I had to investigate further to see what his royal highness has to say.
The headline said "Prince: 'The Internet's Completely Over' "
My first reaction was total shock. I did not quite understand why he would make such a statement. That would mean bad news for me since I just started my business, what, last week? :(
Well my panic subsided when he explained the reasons why he doesnt have to give his music to people like Itunes or anyone else since they won't pay him an advance. He believes in finding different ways to distribute music. He also said: "Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you." My concern returned after this quote.
I love Prince, I think he is a brilliant and still underrated musician but I have to disagree. First, those numbers are called binary code and either you understand it or you don't. Those 1's and 0's are partly responsible for his success whether he wants to acknowledge it or not. Without the luxury of technology, his music may not have been able to reach a wide audience. Second the things that are filling billions of people's heads is good for you, its information. The computers and internet have made the the world much smaller. The only time that its not good for you is when you abuse it and get yourself in trouble. There are just a few things that I would disagree with Prince over and this is one of them. Sorry sweetheart. I also believe that he is one of those people who will always stick to the old way of doing things. He will never be like the regular people and use one of those cell phone thingamagiggers or you know read the gossip blogs like us mere mortals. He will get his news via pony express thank you very much.
Still love you Prince.
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