Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Take a look at these websites. Not your typical daily eyesex.

First I would like to say that eyesex is something that I just made up (okay I did not invent the phrase) because I could not use the word p**n in the title.  Bad things happen when you put that in a blog title.  Eyesex is PG13 and you know the word p**n is just bad.  You know, rated R bad. (I would say rated X but who the hell am I fooling at this point.)

Anyway, I've decided to dedicate today's post to my favorite websites.  No I am not speaking of the basic stops like Facebook, Twitter, CDAN, Radar, Tmz etc.  I am speaking of the other websites that are not mainstream but ever so popular.

The first I would like to introduce is Failblog.  You can't help but to laugh at everything there.  I was bored one day and happen to stumble upon this site.  It has been a favorite ever since. They post nothing but life  fails like these classics:

or this one


The next one is:  Yahoo Answers.  You have to wonder if 60% of the people who post questions on there are inbreed.  (Wait I should not say that because comparing them to yahoo answers submitters  is insulting the inbreeds.) Some of the stuff there is so off the wall you have to wonder if they are making this up or are they actually serious.   Here are a couple of examples:

Or this one...


Last but certainly number one in my book, you MUST read this classic comedic online literature.   It is the reviews of the Three Wolf Moon short sleeve tee at Amazon.com   This beautiful and sexy shirt

It has over 1,600 reviews and just about 80% are just classic.  You can read them here, (Click to read Three Wolf Moon Tee Shirt Reviews.)

I highly recommend it.  Here are just two examples of reviews:

Here is a 5 star review:
"This item has wolves on it which makes it intrinsically sweet and worth 5 stars by itself, but once I tried it on, that's when the magic happened. After checking to ensure that the shirt would properly cover my girth, I walked from my trailer to Wal-mart with the shirt on and was immediately approached by women. The women knew from the wolves on my shirt that I, like a wolf, am a mysterious loner who knows how to 'howl at the moon' from time to time (if you catch my drift!). The women that approached me wanted to know if I would be their boyfriend and/or give them money for something they called mehth. I told them no, because they didn't have enough teeth, and frankly a man with a wolf-shirt shouldn't settle for the first thing that comes to him. 

I arrived at Wal-mart, mounted my courtesy-scooter (walking is such a drag!) sitting side saddle so that my wolves would show. While I was browsing tube socks, I could hear aroused asthmatic breathing behind me. I turned around to see a slightly sweaty dream in sweatpants and flip-flops standing there. She told me she liked the wolves on my shirt, I told her I wanted to howl at her moon. She offered me a swig from her mountain dew, and I drove my scooter, with her shuffling along side out the door and into the rest of our lives. Thank you wolf shirt. "

Here is a 1 star review: 
"So I got this wolf shirt because of, you know, the sweet wolves on it. 
However, having owned this shirt for three weeks now and having tried it out in a variety of situations, both formal and informal, I'm beginning to believe that some of the benefits ---- as described by other reviewers ---- are exaggerated. For example, not ONE supermodel has approached..."

Trust me, you will not be disappointed if anything a lot of this is more entertaining than what is happening on television.

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