I did say that I was going to do a response to Apple's fix to their iphone4 reception problem. Well I am not, only because everything I thought he (Steve Jobs) was going to do, he did and I have already discussed it in detail. He is just going to give you a bumper and hope to have the problem fixed by the time iphone5 arrives. So its just more of the same. The only negative comment I do have is that after the free bumper cutoff, they are going to charge anyone who buys it 30 dollars. I call bs on this. They should provide a bumper with ALL new iphone4 devices no matter when you bought it. The hardware problem is their fault. So if you got one early enough, your device would have essentially been 30 dollars cheaper f you are a left-hander.
While I may not update to an iphone anytime soon, the same can be said for the new Windows 7 Mobile OS. I hear it leaves a lot to be desired. There have been a lot of improvements especially with the touch mechanism. However, their apps selections and download option sites still suck. I guess it is Microsoft's turn to get negatve media attention. The only positive thing out of the Microsoft mess is that the flaws are being found before they go on sale to the general public. The downside to this is that I personally do not see Microsoft putting anymore effort into improving their apps stores. I know they have Windows marketplace but frankly, even that is terribly limited and this is what will keep them from ever surpassing Apple in that particular area. Sure the phone has to work but many of the people who spend money on smartphones use it for many other things and this is where the apps become important. I own a windows 6 smartphone and I love it. That is because I am used to it. I will wait a year or so to see what they do before I ever think of updating. I took this same approach to their regular desktop OS.
I do have a product reccomendation.
I will admit, I am too cheap to buy an air conditioner. I will explain this. I got my bill from Con Edison a few months ago. (Notice their name has con in it because they are) My bill was very high considering I did not run major appliances. They are doing their best to shake the pockets of the residents in the tri-state area. You can imagine with all of the 90+ degree weather the NY area in the past month that if I bought an AC unit how much higher the bill will become. I am not busted however I would rather not give all my extra money to utility companies. I would rather have that to myself. o instead of just sitting and baking in the heat or hanging out in the grocery store. (Yeah yeah I know) I bought a Handy Cooler. You can find these at amazon.com. It is a handheld air conditioner. I will tell you that it works. All you have to do is just wet the sponge it comes with a let the air blow in your face. It works better than my fan. I've been running it non-stop all weekend which came in handy because the heat was oppressive. It does look funny and it could use a wall charger and not just the usb and battery option but I will take it. It could also use a stand or some kind of shoulder holster so it could be hands free. Sure it will look goofy but we are trying to stay cool here.
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