Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Apples, Windows and Relationships

Apple products in general are sexy.  Windows products are standard.  Let me do a generic comparison. 

Windows is your husband that you spend your life with. (You know that thick and thin, sickness and health, rich or poor stuff.) Mac is your hot sidepiece that you bang when your husband doesn't feel like putting out.  But what happens when your husband stops putting out or providing for your needs altogether?  Do you stay in this relationship to show people that you are loyal even when your happiness is now at stake?  Do you stay with what is popular with people and have been the standard or do you go with the new slicker innovative piece that could change your life for the better and bring some excitement to it?  No one is the same person that they were 20 years ago. (Lets hope not.)  What made you content then may have changed by now. You realize that your life is shorter and you have to decide whether you want to live with the mundane.

You may divorce your husband one day, that moment will come when your hot side piece is able to provide the same things that your husband did (plus more.)  That hot sidepiece becomes your pride, the very thing you show off to people who will most definitely be impressed and jealous that you have it.

There is a point to this post (I think) just bare with me.

The point is, some people may go their whole lives with the same, what is comfortable and not take chances with new items.  That is fine, however you never know whether or not there is more to learn if you don't give things a try.  I had to take this approach with dealing with using Apple items on a daily basis.  When I was introduced to using a Macintosh machine at work over my standard Windows Desktop PC, I was hesitant.  After some use and loving some of its features, especially the high quality built in camera which has turned me narcissistic at my desk (thanks apple) I have come to realize that there is room for the sexy and the standard.  I will say that neither has the monopoly on everything.  Each has some qualities that the other is lacking.

So I like both for now.  I have a husband and a side piece (figuratively speaking)  

Does this make me a tech whore?

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