Monday, June 28, 2010

Windows 8 (This is not a typo)

I do realize that I am late with today's post.  Sorry.  My computer and website were acting such an ass yesterday that I finally recovered this afternoon.

Windows 8 preview leaked today.  Yes you heard it here!  Windows 8.  I haven't upgraded to Windows 7 yet. (I will explain that in a later post.)
I certainly hope that Microsoft isnt doing what Mac has become notorious for.  You buy a new product of theirs and 40 minutes later, its already old. 
According to CNET, some leaked documents about Windows 8 tend to take cues from Apple.  Its offering a store (which I thought they had already, it just sucked a little, well okay a whole lot.)  They are also in not so many words taking cues from the recent popular iphone/ipads and making their new product more responsive and hands on by using the Kinect motion-sensing accessory.  This technology was made popular in the XBOX 360.  Windows 8 will also get James Bond on us and have to software to be able to use a webcam to identify users of the machine, and check this out, if the machine is in sleep mode (that dreaded sleep/hibernate mode)  it will know if someone is in the room and wake up, you know like you would if some creep walked around a room while you were sleeping.  It gets even better, when you leave the room, it goes back to sleep.
Okay just reading this creeps me the hell out.  I really am not sure if I want a machine knowing my every move.  This kinds makes Apple's tracking software that they have installed on all their machines look basic and old school.
Does Windows 8 question why you did not come home last night?  Does it ask who you were hanging with while it waited for you to come back? 
So Windows 8 is basically your parents.  I am freaked out now...   I am going out for fresh air.
This is the only 8 I want to hear about right now...

source source 2

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