Why weren’t they included? I mean Linux is popular. It has to be. Anything that is free is popular around these parts. IBM supports it. *shrugs* Aren’t both these companies just a little threatened that there is a third OS out there that many users rate high and is gaining popularity?
Not yet. I will tell you why.
Linux is free which those who are not tech savvy and use tech products think: “It’s free, it must be bad, operating systems are supposed to cost hundreds of dollars.” Not necessarily so. As of matter of fact Linux (as you already may know) was developed by developers. You know those people who actually mind how smoothly an OS runs. Go here if you want to see more http://www.linux.org/
Okay so the wavy colorful flag and the shiny gray fruit are not threatened by free and awesome underground products. I wonder in five years will we then have Windows vs. Apple vs. Google? Yes you read this correctly. Google is developing their own OS for netbooks and laptops that run just like their smaller handheld droid counterparts. Dell is also considering putting Google chrome on their netbooks. Toshiba already has the AC1000 which is already running on Android OS. source
It’s not available in the US yet. Don’t worry, I am sure Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are talking to lawmakers to make sure it never gets over here. But wait, Google’s OS would be free and its likely you will pay for just the hardware. So will it fly under the radar like Linux or will it piggyback off the popularity of its baby sibling the Android? Apple already had this concept with the Ipad. They just made the Iphone about 5 times bigger so I am sure that Google’s OS laptop model will be about the same. Windows did the whole thing backwards. Computers first then the tiny partners.
We will see. Considering Apple has dropped their computer comparison commercials for now and focusing on their Ipads and Iphones and Windows 7 now being the most used OS in the world, I am sure nothing will be done until their bottom line if affected.
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