I think this is a recurring theme in the tech world office. You have one female tech person and 40 male techs around. Now as a single female you would think my odds of finding a partner match would be phenomenal. Well…no.
I will break it down for you.
Out of those 40 guys:
1. 15 of them are married (unless I am loose with my vagina then this statistic is null)
2. 7 of them are dating someone (see #1 for exception)
4. 5 of them are so unfortunate looking that you just have to look the other way.
5. 5 are old so they probably resentful that they let women in the workplace.
6. 3 of them are divorced with a bunch of kids and probably very bitter right now.
6. 2 of them are gay…but hell to me a dick is a dick right? I’d still hit it under the right circumstances.
5. This leaves me 3 guys to choose from. 2 of them live with mom so if I date them, I am dating mom too in which means I have to sit all day and listen to her tell me about her son’s allergies.
That leaves 1 real datable guy, which there is only a 50 percent chance that I am even compatible with him.
Don’t you love it!
When people think of tech support, they think of :
Rest assured I look nothing like the female version of the above. I am quite the girly girl in which some may say is a contributor to why people may not choose me first. My boobs are at attention (quite a lot actually but not on purpose) However, this is part of the workplace climate. People have it conditioned in their minds of what tech people should be. I am sure if tech guys looked like this:
people would not doubt them as hard as they do female techs.
Things are changing. Barbie has a new Tech version of herself coming out this winter. Uber feminist may hate it but I love it. Tech women are just as hot and capable as their male counterparts. I can fix your machine in 4-inch heels too. (Trust me I have done it and it is possible.)
I am not a true complainer about it, otherwise I would not be in this business. I find a lot of humor in the whole setup.
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